Nathan'ette Burdine's The Nyle Magazine

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Todd Gouwenberg Langley Sportsplex shooting victim United Nations gang member;
Todd Gouwenberg is
the Langley Sportsplex shooting victim who
has nearly 20 years
of gang involvement
Crime Scene of Harb Dhaliwal's shooting in Coal Harbour;
Francois Gauthier has been charged with first degree murder
in the death of Brothers Keepers gangster Harb Dhaliwal
United Nations gang member shooting Langley Sportsplex;
United Nations gang member killed less
than a week after
killing of rival
Brothers Keepers
gangster Harb
Dhaliwal in
Coal Harbour

X-Ray image of White Lung Pneumonia around the lungs;

White Lung Pneumonia

White Lung Pneumonia is just
good ol' fashion pneumonia
by Nathan'ette Burdine: Decemberber 30, 2023

The increase number of lil’ ones ending up in the hospital, due to pneumonia, has led to a lot of chitter chatter on the on-line about the culprit being a new virus called “White Lung Pneumonia.”

The word is that “White Lung Pneumonia” was created by a human genius in a Chinese lab. And that the virus is evidence of the Chinese humans creating COVID-19 in order to put into action their “Pinky and the Brain” plan of taking over the world.

Don’t worry! None of that is true! “White Lung Pneumonia” is nothing but good ol’ fashion pneumonia that was created by Mother Nature.

According to the folks over at the Mayo Clinic , pneumonia is caused by either a bacteria, virus, or fungi that infects the respiratory system.

The lungs get filled up with fluid and then it comes out as yellow, green, or red. Ewww! Nasty business! However, the name, “White Lung Pneumonia,” isn’t due to the not so magically delicious colors that come out after a person coughs or sneezes. “White Lung Pneumonia” is a nickname given to pneumonia due to the pneumonia posing, in an x-ray image, in all white with its lil’ arms and or legs wrapped around the infected lung or lungs. “White Lung Pneumonia” be like to the lung or lungs, “I long for your touch.”

You see that picture down there?!

X-Ray image of Streptococcus Pneumonia around the lungs;

That is a picture of pneumonia caused by the bacteria, Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcal pneumonia), longing for the lung’s touch. According to the American Lung Association, Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the biggest culprits in holding on to the lung just a lil’ too tight. It’ll grab a hold of your lung during anytime of the year. January, April, July, or November, it doesn’t matter.

Streptococcus pneumoniae will get you and cause you to cough up all of those colors of the rainbow that you don’t want to see. Having said that, Streptococcus pneumoniae isn’t the bad guy in this case. It’s its brother, Mycoplasma pneumonia.

Mycoplasma pneumonia is the bacteria causing the increase of hospitalizations amongst the lil’ ones. According to the CDC folks, Mycoplasma pneumonia causes the chest cold (known medically as Tracheobronchitis) and pneumonia.

The best way to tell if the kid has a chest cold or pneumonia is to look at the kid, touch the kid, or ask the kid how he’s feeling. If the kid tells you he can’t clean his room because he’s too tired, his head hurts, or his body has become a hot box, then he has a chest cold.

A kid who feels like a hot box and an ice box , won’t get out of bed, keeps coughing up something, and is struggling to breath, has pneumonia.

Kids who are in the age range of 1 day to 4 years tend to do a lot of sneezing, wheezing, throwing up, and number twoing. Those who have “walking pneumonia” do a lot of walking around with the pneumonia. They either get better on their own or they get some NyQuil to help them out. As for the other folks who are ending up in the hospital, they’ll need some antibiotics.

Now, if you don’t get to the doc in time, you could easily find yourself dealing with bad stuff like a swollen brain, kidney problems, or not enough red blood cells to drop off the oxygen that your body needs in order to live.

The folks who are at greater risk of getting a Bruce Lee, Mike Tyson beat down by pneumonia are the lil’ ones, old folks, and folks with a lot of health problems.

Therefore, if you or a love one have any of the symptoms described or you or a love one fall into one of those beat down categories, then go to the doc to get yourself or your love one’s self fixed up.

Always remember, the doc’s bill is cheaper than the funeral bill.


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